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  Collection management  
  There are several manuals on culture collection management, culture maintenance and preservation available. Some of the main ones are listed below. If you wish to have further information see collection management and preservation.

Some Collection Manuals

Day, J.D. & McLellan, M.R. (eds) (1995). Methods in Molecular Biology 38, Cryopreservation and freeze-drying protocols. Tolowa, NJ, USA: Humana Press.

Hawksworth, D.L. & Kirsop, B.E. (eds) (1988). Living Resources for Biotechnology: Filamentous Fungi. 209pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hunter-Cevera, J.C. & Belt, A. (1996). Maintaining Cultures for Biotechnology and Industry. 263pp. USA: Academic Press Inc.

Kirsop, B.E. & Doyle, A. (eds) (1991). Maintenance of Microorganisms and Cultured Cells: A Manual of Laboratory Methods, London: Academic Press.

Kirsop, B.E. & Krutzman, C.P. (eds.) (1988). Living Resources for Biotechnology: Yeasts, 234 pp., Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Smith, D. & Onions A.H.S. (1994). The Preservation and Maintenance of Living Fungi. Second edition. IMI Technical Handbooks No. 2, pp 122. Wallingford, UK: CAB INTERNATIONAL.